Sexuality & Erotica


London, W.H. Allen, 1954.

Fifth printing. 8vo. Original charcoal boards. Dust-jacket, priced 12/6.

An insight into homosexual society in London.

Sexuality & Erotica

Goodwin (John) A View of Fuji


London, Spearman, 1963.

First edition. 8vo. Original blue cloth. Dust-jacket, priced 12s6d.

"A story classical in its simplicity of a tragic homosexual love affair set in Japan between a middle-aged American and a young Japanese." (jacket blurb)


London, Fortune Press, n.d. [?1947].

Reprint. 8vo. Original red cloth. Dust-jacket, priced 10s6d.

Not overtly sexual, the work instead focusses on the nature of attraction in an all-male environment. Fortune Press was a pioneering publisher of gay literature. Originally published in 1936.


London, Secker & Warburg, 1957.

First edition. 8vo. Original blue cloth. Dust-jacket, priced 15s.

"In this highly original picaresque novel, the atonal harmonies of the modern world are expressed with mastery." (jacket blurb). Gay fiction, by the author of The Castrati in Opera (1956).

Sexuality & Erotica

Nabokov (Vladimir) Lolita


Jerusalem, Steimatzky's Agency for Olympia Press, 1955. Israeli edition. 8vo. Original wrappers. The first one-volume edition of Nabokov's controversial title, issued coevally to the Israeli hardback edition.

Sexuality & Erotica

Gilson (Charles) Wild Metal


London, Jarrolds, [1932].

First edition, first printing. 8vo. 39pp. publisher's catalogue dated Spring 1932 at end. Original blue cloth, dust-jacket, correctly priced at 7/6.

A tale of sacred & profane love, by an author best known for his science fiction, adventure stories, and historical fiction books for children. This definitely a more adult venture.


First edition, first printing. London, William Heinemann Ltd, 1936 'Radclyffe Hall has had the courage to set down the thoughts and conversations of her characters without censorship. Here is English as it is really spoken by the poor in cottage, field and inn' (dust-jacket) Dust-jacket by Edgar Holloway.


Translated by Charles Hope Lumley
New York, for William Godwin, 1933.

First US edition. 8vo. Original cloth. Dust-jacket.

The first US edition of the first English-language translation of this text, preceded by the Fortune Press edition of 1929, and the original French edition in 1901. Beresford Egan's characteristic illustrations reflect perfectly the wit & satirical glee of the text, a tale of the pursuit of amorous hedonism.


London, Heinemann, 1936.

First edition. 8vo. Original cloth. Dust-jacket.

What would happen? On this lively supposition Author Winter has written a tale that is blurbed as another 'South Wind' but is more like Somerset Maugham's spiteful 'Cakes and Ale' (Time Magazine, 1936)